Bent Knee has released is 2015 EPK (Electronic Press Kit).
Full list of Press Quotes
"A power exercise in restraint and release" - Consequence of Sound
"Grand, serene, and progressive... unbelievably powerful." - The Needle Drop
"Defining modern music" - No Ripcord
"A totally unique, mind-blowing, and genre-defiant sound." - Atlas and Anchor
"Demands attention... you'd have to be brain-dead to ignore it." -Music Related Junk
"The most meticulously designed and inventive music of the year."- Chickenham Music
"From another dimension... absorbing and absolutely incomprehensible." - The Bay Bridged
"Emotionally gratifying and moving." - Playback:STL
"Demands to be talked about." - DigBoston
"A magnificent work of art. Album of the year." - Seattle Passive Aggressive
"Highly experimental and mesmerizing." - Ryan's Smashing Life
"Rock wins again." - Sound It Out